Saturday, 9 January 2016

A Promise.

Sat across from each other. Separated by the barrier of gender two soul mates eyed each other with little puppy love that had perpetuated between them as they played notoriously around the village all noon long.



In the background teacher murmured about some foreign land, situated way beyond the gigantic expanse of the of bluest ocean. The land with soil so bright, water as sweet as nectar and food of varieties they never wondered about. The land with people of the kindest souls preaching only of love.



While the play of eyes continued Akash couldn't resist himself of all that the foreign land had to offer beyond all those oceans and thousands of miles away. He had promised himself he would give his Tara all of that one day. Someday.


For some world might not be a wish granting factory, for Akash it definitely was working. He had it all. Tara, wealth, success all he could ask for and more.



Not long after both of them were married Tara had given him the "good news". He was on the top of the world. Happiness unbounded by any barriers nothing could now stop him. Not one thing.



Except that during the birthing procedure Tara had complications which were manageable as per doctors. But, she could never make it, and died after she had birthed a baby girl.



It was the barrier that had left Akash broken and shattered and a beautiful baby girl that was theirs and a promise that he had made to himself to give to Tara when they had been playing their game of eyes in the dusty school of the village.



A promise of seven seas........... And beyond



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