What does the ocean do with the tiny drop that just became a part of him, the drop that with just a tiny little plunk had suddenly become huge and wide. Does the ocean just wash it ashore,alone or have it make the sea a force so gigantic no walls could bind?
Do the drops have a democracy of their own to veto to let go or just hold on?
How does a tree cope with its leaves,those who turn colours like that of a chameleon, a different hue for every day of every season they go through. Does the tree shed them off hoping for his new companions to bud soon or just let them be the way they are all throughout whatever the phase?.
Does it have the metabolic sensors that beeped everytime as if to help it decide to let go or just hold on?
What would a flower feel while being robbed off their nectar by ting bugs that feed on them. Does it let that mini creature feed of its sweet juices or trap them only to feed itself in disguise?
Would the nature just put on a program in them decide to let go or just hold on?
With the complex and one of the most meticulously smart structure fitted in the cranial vault, The brain that would work faster than any machine known. The nature made the human independent of its signs, programs,omens.. Well fate as many of us may call it. Still all the calculations and theories and even more theories go to vain to make a decision for oneself, do you let go or just hold on?
How many theories you put to use, the laws that you thought defined your existence, the pros and cons you jotted down on that legal pad.
Do you let go of anything and everything that has both the ability to make you reach the greatest heights and a power to break you down to the pieces incurable. Or just hold on till it builds you into a hollow person?
Neither the democracy, the sensors nor the programs would make the decision to let go or to hold on, Then what does?
What makes the universe to decide which essential evil it allows to shape itself??
What makes you choose if to let go or hold on?