Saturday, 30 May 2015



Anjali. Born to an anemic mother. First breath hours after she was born. Doctors called her a special child then. Cerebral palsy it had been. What further? The war that her specialness had forced her to fight against herself.

Entered the clinics clung to her mother's chest,squinting eyes, teeth showing through her partially open mouth, little she looked on her father's shoulder,as she perched looking. She was 5, still special. Fighting, a war uncalled.

Blowing those spit bubbles she looked wide-eyed. As the white coats passed her. She could have been them. But her specialness wouldn't bow down.

Placing her on one of the special mats,her special mats. Her head angled to one side unable to hold it self,her specialness. Limbs refusing to straighten,they had been fighting too.
She laughed,or tried to through her partial mouth as they flexed her elbows,and wailed when stretched. With her mother holding on to a rattle like an army commander for their king.

Day after day,she came and went. Coats changed. People changed. But what further? Is the question she asks her commander. When will the war be put to end.

What will be her further?


Once upon a time... Like it always begins in fairy tales, an adorable princess meeting her prince charming riding a white horse sweeping princess off her feet with a promise of love of ,their happily ever after.

For Ananya it was Arjun in a white skoda,childhood friends, highschool sweethearts. On her door as she dressed in a red attire waited for his gorgeous prince charming to take her away in, their happily ever after. Even less did she knew that it came with an expire date. Yes it did.

What began with cute text messages as friends,extended to late night calls, indiscrminate support, to a helpline 24*7, to the engagement ring he gave her on the very special day of her birthday, which was now bound to their marriage... All of this came with an expire date.And it did begin on the very next day of their wedding. Ananya treated like a priced gift of god once, was now a taken for granted wife. She who was once his elixir of life, was now Mrs. Arjun Singh. An identity that was her only individuality was lost to him. As they say 'its all good in the beginning '. The matters with passing times got worse,as its effect of beginners luck wore off.

For Arjun it was his wives duty to wait after him,to clean after his mess,to be after him in everything he did. She had tried her best,doing what was asked at the tiniest details,but than the date was nearing,the luck ,the love,the bond tested as the time passed. It was hard for ananya ,to keep up with his whims,to lives on his desire,on his code of conduct he had crafted for her. He became peculiar,choosy,moody and she began to fall behind on his wishes,on his protocol for his ideal wife. And with time increased Arjun's insensitivity to his sweetheart Ananya, and Mrs. Singh's faults highlighted even more. Leading to petty arguments turning to fights and daily riots.

It was only during this phase did Ananya realized the weakeing bonds,wearing out love,luck,everything,their happily ever after. And a strong blow to her meagrely holding relationship came when one night during an argument he put his hand on her. Embarking a red mark on her face,with force enough to throw her feeble self in the corner of a room. That night ended there. But other coming nights didn't.Night after night ,as he came from work finding faults with her protocol, he would hit her. Hit her with anything that came his way,utensils,clothing,ropes... And what not. She would fight a fruitless battle against her love,her prince charming who had swept her off her feet,to a happily ever after that was their own to call.

With these atrocities ended their term in paradise, the expire date arrived 5yrs after repeated nights of unhumane 'protocol'. She had finally gathered her strength to leave the house, Mrs. Singh had left,it had left the night he first laid his hand on her. Only her body,her mortal self now,with her material belonging left, Arjun to house which was just plane and bare and ripped off of its identity. He now longed to wipe the tears off her kohl smudged eyes.